Last night I watched the ABC Special on Robin Roberts. In case you don’t know who she is, Robin is a delightful and brilliant TV anchor for Good Morning America. She also is someone I have been following through the media since she was first diagnosed with cancer. Robin is a two time cancer survivor and bone marrow transplant recipient.
Robin’s story was broadcasted last night on TV. Through humor and true grit Robin shared some of the most challenging moments in her life.
Chemo, BMT, loosing her precious mom certainly ranks high on my list of fear, stress and grief. And yet, she pushed forward, prayed, and conquered!
She brought America to the side of her bed as she wept and agonized over her condition. Certainly not an easy thing to do.
In addition, she created awareness on the importance of registering to be a bone marrow donor. She was fortunate that her sister was a match. As you know, family members are not always a match. Often cancer patients need to seek out donors outside their family tree, just like Steven. Steve’s brave donor is a kind man who knew the value of life and family. Our new friend stepped forward and donated a gift to our son. The gift of life.
So hats off to Robin! May God keep her healthy and strong!
Hats off to Robin for creating awareness that cancer and transplant is no picnic!
AND, if you haven’t already done so, please take a moment and register to be a bone marrow donor: it is the gift of life!
For more information: visit BE THE MATCH! At