Last week’s blog prompted some comments from friends on the importance of joining the bone marrow registry. So I thought I would take a few moments to share some important facts that I found on the BE THE MATCH website, which I believe you will find most interesting:)
1. Donors between the ages of 18 & 44 provide the greatest chance for transplant success.
2. Patients are most likely to match someone who shares their ancestry.
3. All donors are carefully prescreened to ensure they are healthy and the procedure is safe for them.
4. Donors never pay to donate marrow.
5. Be the Match relies on financial contribution.
Your heritage can make all the difference!
If you are from one of the following communities,
you are especially encouraged to join the
Be The Match Registry or donate umbilical cord blood:
Black and African American
American Indian and Alaska Native
Asian, including South Asian
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Hispanic and Latino
Multiple race
Join the Be The Match Registry – Take the first step to become a bone marrow donor.
Give a financial contribution – Make transplants a reality for patients.
Stay in touch — Sign up for e-mail on how you can help. (VISIT WWW.MARROW.ORG TO SIGN UP)
Engage your organization – Partner with MARROW.ORG in a program that saves lives.
Host a donor registry drive-
Individuals and families can make a difference.
(Remember, there were several registry drives for Steven over four years ago!!!)
Donate umbilical cord blood at your baby’s birth.
If you or your family member is in need of a BMT please talk with your Physician.
If you wish to hold a BMT Registration Event talk with your Physician, Social Worker or Nurse
to learn if there is a BMT Contact Person affiliated with your hospital or the area in which you live.
What if you are selected to become a donor????? What will you do????
Here is a quote from our donor:
“Please know this… you do not owe me a single thing not even a debt of gratitude…. the act in itself was self gratifying.”
So my friends, please take our donor’s lead: