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Cleveland Hosted Critical Mass : SGAYA Fund Awards Six Researchers!!!

The Steven G AYA Cancer Research Fund participated in the Critical Mass: YA Cancer Alliance conference last week. The Critical Mass Conference was held here in Cleveland, Ohio at the Renaissance Hotel. All the participants were pleased and impressed by our fine city…and frankly Cleveland you should give yourselves a pat on the back!!!

Yes friends AYA Cancer is addressed here in Cleveland!!! The Angie Fowler AYA Cancer Institute of University Hospitals of Cleveland, The Gathering Place, Leukemia Lymphoma Society NE Ohio, Raise Above It (RAI), In It Together, and The SGAYA Cancer Research Fund represented NE Ohio as advocates, researchers, service providers to AYA Cancer patients and their families.

As part of the SGAYA Cancer Research Fund’s mission – to support AYA Cancer Research – Six Innovative Cancer Research Awards were awarded to researchers and program developers who presented and attended the conference.

Here are the awardees of the Steven G AYA Cancer Innovative Cancer Research Awards


First Prize ($500) to Mike Lang and Emily Drake for their examination of the therapeutic process of Survive and Thrive Expeditions. for more information about “Reflect. Refocus. Rebuild. Live: The Therapeutic Process of Survive & Thrive Expeditions” contact mike@survivethrive.org.

Second Prize ($300) to Mindy Buchanan (buchanmi@ohsu.edu) “Leveraging Interns: A model for partnership with university systems to expand services to AYAs and increase influence inside the Academic Medical Center.”

Third Prize ($150) to Anthony N. Audino, MD (anthony.audino@nationwidechildrens.org) for “L.E.A.P. – Learning, Education, Awareness, Prevention Young Adult Cancer.” 


First Prize ($500) to Brad Love (lovebrad@utexas.edu) for “The Uncertainty is What is Driving Me Crazy”: The Tripartite Model of Uncertainty in the Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Context.”

Second Prize ($300) to David Askew (dxa25@case.edu) for “Identification of CD8+ and CD4+CD8+T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells generated through constitutive expression of intracellular NOTchH1.”

Third Prize ($150) to Catherine Fiona Macpherson (cfmacph@uw.edu) for “The Computerized Symptom Capture Tool (C-SCAT): A Novel Approach to Exploring Symptoms and Symptom Clusters in Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) with Cancer.”

The Steven G AYA Cancer Research Fund was very impressed with the breadth and depth of the Poster Submissions to the Critical Mass Conference.

In addition, we appreciate the support of  conference committee, especially Heidi Adams, Fayruz Benyousef, and Rebecca Block, for allowing the Local Spotlight on NE Ohio’s AYA Cancer Programs.

Lastly, it was great to see familiar faces:) There are so many dedicated people out there trying to make a difference.

Collaboration is the key to finding better ways to treat and cure AYA Cancer!!!

We will Fight! We will Conquer! We will Cure cancer!


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