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We thought it would be nice to hear from some of the individuals we supported this year. In April a group of NE Ohio YA Cancer Survivors received scholarships to attend CancerCon (a conference dedicated to providing social support to YA Cancer Warriors).

Note: You will see photos of survivors, caregivers, family and friends – but Foundation Funding was strictly used for the six NE Ohioans: Tess Blasko, Jennifer Anand, Margaux Yerian, Samantha Krizo, Christopher Evans, and Peter Citro.

Here are some comments and reflections on cancer, CancerCon, and the Steven G Foundation.


“Dear Steven G Foundation,

On a daily basis, I’m reminded of the “bad” things cancer has done- from being on insulin, to aches and pains, to the various medications- sometimes it can be really tough. But then comes Cancer Con.  This weekend is about celebrating cancer. As weird as it sounds, that is your golden ticket into this exclusive conference.  We are celebrating the monster that brought us together.  From all over the United States and Canada, with a few other friends thrown in. For a few days, we get to be pampered by the makeover artists, get a chair massage, score some free swag from exhibitors, and dance the night away,  We get to forget our reality at home.  We get to not have to explain our tiredness, or our diets or our hair. We get not to have to explain our billion bathroom breaks. We get not to have to explain our weird cravings or sudden dizziness. That’s what this is about.  People who get it, without saying a word.  People who get the 3am moments alone, or the strained friendships, or the self-doubt and self-judgement. We are surviving, and thriving, and out living it.

Every year, this conference is what gives me the renewed strength, hope, and comfort to continue for another year.  It refreshes my soul, and lifts my spirits.  I leave with new friends, and a renewed sense of togetherness and hope for a brighter future that is cancer free.  Thank you so much for enabling me to go to this amazing conference. ”

Sincerely, Jennifer Anand

Dear Steven G Foundation,

“To start this off I just want to express how amazing this foundation is and how it has helped me in ways I didn’t think were possible. Through the Steven G foundation I got an opportunity to attend CancerCon 2018 in Denver, Colorado. When I first heard about CancerCon I was going through treatments in 2017 and it instantly caught my interest.  I just imagined being surrounded by so many different people who understood everything I was going through and I knew I had to go. When I arrived at CancerCon it felt like I was finally able to breath. I wasn’t constantly trapped in my mind thinking about my emotions and the trauma that I have just endured. I wasn’t self conscious about my hair being short and I wasn’t uncomfortable to show my scars. I was at this busy convention completely myself in a room full of strangers but there was a sense of calm when I looked around because we were all just connected and comfortable with each other. Cancer is so ugly in a lot of the things it brings. The side effects from the medicines, the losses, the emotional damage, and it changes your questions of life. The one thing is not ugly from cancer is the people that that this disease brought into my life. They have impacted me in a way that is indescribable. Being able to meet more amazing people at CancerCon and hearing all the different stories just jump started my new view on life and pushed me to better myself in every way possible. I didn’t fully understand how much I needed the weekend in Denver until I arrived. Not only was the whole convention amazing, I was able to explore Denver and I fell in love! It’s such a beautiful place and . I am so excited to let the relationships that I made with people grow and I cannot wait until CancerCon 2019! I defiantly would like to return again

Again thank you so much for everything this foundation has done for me. You truly helped changed a part of my life and I will forever be grateful for that!”

-Tess Blasko


“If there is anything that I can do to help your foundation in anyway I would love to help you guys out as much as you helped me.”

Samantha Krizo

We love our Caregivers!

fight. conquer. cure.



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